10 May 2023, 17:00
In-person and phygital

Arbitration in Italy: what's new in the recent Cartabia Reform. From disclosure duties to precautionary measures

The Cartabia Reform (introduced by Legislative Decree No. 149 of 10 October 2022) also concerns the codified discipline of arbitration with the intention of enhancing and promoting the arbitration instrument as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

Many are the areas touched by the legislative intervention. In addition to the main innovations concerning the disclosure duties of arbitrators, to be related to the causes of objection, and the possibility for arbitrators to order precautionary measures, the new provisions on traslatio iudicii, applicable law, enforceability of foreign awards, and the other provisions contained in Legislative Decree 149/2022 on arbitration matters were analysed.

The proceedings were opened by the Secretary General of the Swiss Chamber, Ms. Alessandra Modenese Kauffmann, with greetings by the Councillor of the Milan Bar Association, Avv. Massimo Audisio.

The new regulations were discussed in a round table discussion with Prof. Avv. Massimo Benedettelli (Full Professor of International Law at the University of Bari and member for Italy of the ICC Court of Arbitration), Prof. Avv. Antonio Briguglio (Full Professor of Civil Procedure Law at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome), Avv. Federico Banti (Partner in charge of the arbitration practice of Osborne Clarke Italia), and Avv. Antonella Alfani (Head of Arbitration and Mediation – ADR Swiss Chamber).

The event was held on 10 May 2023 at 17:00 c/o Spazio Eventi – Centro Svizzero (Via Palestro, 2).

Swiss Chamber

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